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Fixing heated bed

Today I set about fixing the issue with my heated bed. Using a multimeter to test the thermistor that came pre-installed showed it was dead so I snipped it out and soldered in a replacement. In Pronterface I could see that it was connected, but it was reading -15C. The room is cool but not that cool. The new thermistor is "100K ohm NTC 3950 1% 1.8mm" and after a bit of googling I found it was a type 11. I edited my "configuration.h" file and set "#define TEMP_SENSOR_BED 11". After uploading Marlin; Pronterface was now reading a temperature of 16C. I was able to change the bed temperature from the LCD to 20C and watched as it warmed up. I checked it was warm (carefully with my hand) and then increased it to 60C.  So another job done. Next will be to fix the connector on the hotend thermistor and get that working: For now though, it's starting to look good:
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